Ray of all Trades: Raymond Manamb 20 years of service

Raymond Manamb hails from Madang and East Sepik, he embarked on his Remington Technology (RT) journey in 2002 at the Kokopo branch in East New Britain Province.

A print service technician by profession who graduated with a Diploma in Electronics at the Port Moresby Technical College. Raymond has proudly served in almost all our branches nationwide for more than 15 years.

On the 11th of November, this year, he will clock in 21 years of service with Remington Technology.  He is currently the branch manager for RT’s Wewak branch in East Sepik Province. For Raymond his time with Remington Technology is about being honest and a hardworking professional, upholding the company’s code of conduct and policies.

He says Remington has given him so many great memories to reminisce on. The best of the last 20 years of service is traveling to different parts of the country that use our machines (Konica Minolta/Brother/Riso) and most importantly, the constant training he received within the country and overseas.

Guided by his faith, Raymond believes that being disciplined is not hard when you put God first in your life.

General Manager for Remington Technology, Justin Kieseker said, “Through Raymond’s commitment and quality of service to the business as a senior technician, we identified that he would be a good candidate to lead a branch. When the opportunity presented itself for a manager in our Wewak branch Raymond stepped up and has not looked back, he has increased the branch’s performance, and quality of service to our customers and grown our market share.”

With his experience working as a service technician and growing within the organisation, he is now known as ‘Ray of all trades’. A day in his life as a Branch Manager requires him to manage, sell, fix machines, and deliveries to customers as well.

To Raymond success comes after doing what is right, his current role as a branch manager is challenging and a learning experience every day, to become better at what he does.

He said, “With my role as branch manager for Wewak, I have learnt a lot by making mistakes and learning from them. Put God first, be honest, work hard, and abide by rules and policies that are put in place.”

Remington Technology congratulates Ray on this milestone and we look forward to many more years watching him grow with the team.